Price Match Guarantee
We'll match any genuine like-for-like quote from another UKAS Accredited lab.
No charge if your tester fails
If your item fails traceable calibration, you won't be charged.
Free repair investigation
If your item fails calibration, our engineers will inspect your item to see if the problem can be fixed here and provide a full fault report.
Thorcal Certificate Portal

Never lose a calibration certificate

View, print, download your PDF certificates

Customisable folder structure

Permissions hierarchy for multiple sites
3-day Guarantee
If we can calibrate your item in-house, it will never take longer than 3 working days from receipt*. Check with us if your item is covered by the guarantee.
Need it quicker? Call ahead and we'll test your item within 24 hours
Really stuck? Make an appointment and we'll calibrate your tester while you wait
Or enjoy zero downtime with a site visit
*For Traceable Calibration, your items will be calibrated and ready for dispatch within 3 working days of receipt. If your item is being returned by courier, or Thorcal’s delivery service, this transit time is not included in the 3 days. A valid purchase order or payment must be included with your items, or this could delay calibration. UKAS calibration takes longer. UKAS calibration is unavailable for same day calibration.
Free Calibration Certificate with purchased equipment
If you buy an item through Thorcal, and we can calibrate it in-house, we'll supply it complete with a free Traceable Calibration Certificate.
Free Site Survey and Calibration Inventory
New to calibration? Our experienced survey staff will visit your site and work with you to create an inventory of equipment that requires testing. FREE if you then use Thorcal for calibrations going forward.
Audit Support over the phone
Our staff are on hand over the phone to help you locate certificates through our online certificate portal during your audit.
Free integration of your existing calibration records into our portal
Do you have existing certificates in PDF format? Integrate these into our online certificate portal, so they are organised and accessible alongside your Thorcal certificates.
Free collection and delivery locally
Our collection drivers cover the Hull, Goole, Scunthorpe, Grimsby, East Yorkshire, North Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire areas.
Free instrument adjustment
If your item is out of tolerance and adjustable, we'll adjust it for free as part of any Traceable calibration.
Managed third party repairs
Thorcal aims to calibrate as many items in-house as possible. However, some specialist items will always fall outside of our capabilities. We maintain a network of trusted partners and manufacturers, and are always happy to manage the external calibration or repair of your equipment. We'll never go ahead with any work without your express permission.